________ ___ ___ ________ _________ ________ ________ ________ _____ ______ |\ ____\|\ \|\ \|\ __ \|\___ ___\\ __ \|\ __ \|\ __ \|\ _ \ _ \ \ \ \___|\ \ \\\ \ \ \|\ \|___ \ \_\ \ \|\ \ \ \|\ \ \ \|\ \ \ \\\__\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ __ \ \ __ \ \ \ \ \ \ _ _\ \ \\\ \ \ \\\ \ \ \\|__| \ \ \ \ \____\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\\ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_______\ \__\ \__\ \__\ \__\ \ \__\ \ \__\\ _\\ \_______\ \_______\ \__\ \ \__\ \|_______|\|__|\|__|\|__|\|__| \|__| \|__|\|__|\|_______|\|_______|\|__| \|__| ___ _ _ _ ___ _ _ | _ \_ _| |__| (_)__ / __| |_ __ _| |_ _ _ ___ ___ _ __ | _/ || | '_ \ | / _| | (__| ' \/ _` | _| '_/ _ \/ _ \ ' \ |_| \_,_|_.__/_|_\__| \___|_||_\__,_|\__|_| \___/\___/_|_|_| [Type something... ] ^not there | | | V here lhohq :): xgr, please stop wiping my page /test. my ascii art was there before. it's not nice to grief pages. - lhohq :) ...: Glad to see things are going well in here. PkmnQ: rhabarberbarbara Anonn: breaking news revenge is bad EarthKDI: who reset again XGR: @lhohq Sorry, I use a script to modify pages and I didn't know you were using /test. I will stop erasing it. (12-05-2024) For clarification: I used /test as a testing page on Nov 14 2023-Nov 15 2023. (The page had a QR code) Later, I stopped using the page, but it was included in my script, which automatically reset the page. According my archives, the lhohq.info ASCII art appeared on /test around Mar 30 2024, and I added some text to the page on May 04 2024. You could have clarified that you claim the page, otherwise "test" will be presumed to be a public playground. lhohq :): ok XGR: Someone erased /chatroom and other pages. Aaron William: BFDI and object shows contribute to society. EarthKDI: [diedit] hateing bfdi is just like hateing ett Ett was originally created by Michael Huang, witch is one of the co-creator of jacknjellify, that created bfdi lhohq :): @XGR that was me Unknown: piece of ____ PkmnQ?: I believe you mean "____ of piece" PkmnQ: yes that is me, anyway I just found out about /cheese XGR: Ok EarthKDI: imagine i made this multiuniversal Icuser2929 #nohate: @EarthKDI hi EarthKDI: hello? Belmargen: ¿Hello? PkmnQ: they found LCDA :o EarthKDI: I know Anonn: what's lcda Anonn: finding lost media is like finding the house of a random family you never met